
Thursday, May 30, 2013

B12 | 50 Interesting Facts


Our lovely friend srh tagged us to do a 50 interesting facts challenge. We decided to split it into 25 facts each, so hope you enjoy!

1. I've always wished Pokemon were real.

2. I have 4 siblings all of whom are younger than me and two of my cousins who I see on a weekly basis. 

3. I am 173/4 cm tall.

4. My birthday is on March 12 which is probably my favourite day of the year.

5. If I got a dollar every time someone asked if I was Korean, I would be ballin' by now.

6. I absolutely adore all my family and friends.

7. I think Taecyeon from 2PM is absolute perfection.

8. I'm currently a first year engineering student; I'm not hating it but I'm definitely not loving it either.

9. I wish I could just roll out of my bed and go to university in my pj's without getting judged.

10. I used to live in Melbourne until 2007 when I moved up to Brisbane.

11. I miss high school (just not the work part though); I miss seeing my friends every day and all of my wonderful teachers, oh and the bake stalls.

12. I aim to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night but that never happens.

13. I'm seeing Rihanna live in concert in September with Bella!

14. I played the piano until grade 4 then I took up flute in 2007 and passed my grade 7 AMEB in 2011.

15. There was a time in my life where I was addicted to Runescape, the Sims and my Nintendo DS LOL. 

16. I absolutely hate spiders, insects, bugs and anything that has an abnormal amount of legs because they're just freaky and disgusting and gross and I just hate them so much, ugh. 

17. I went through a "tb" phase back in the good ol' days and am really regretting my hairstyle choices back then. 

18. The last time I dyed my hair was in 2010; I dyed it black but it has gradually faded over time. 

19. I love Italian and Japanese food, oh, and bagels.  

20. I fractured my toe in 2007 by tripping over this girl during rehearsal when I used to Australian Girls Choir. The following weeks in crutches were the worst since my classroom was on top of a flight of stairs and I had to catch the bus to and from school everyday. 

21. Jackson and Jason left me waiting for them by myself for 3 hours while over in Shen Zhen, China. 

22. I got stuck in Hong Kong for a night because I wasn't allowed back into China due to Visa issues and it was around 11pm so everything was either closed or closing, mmmm great times... 

23. I wish I was born with photographic memory. 

24. I used to be ridiculously fascinated with rainbows I used to make my dad drive towards the end of the rainbow so I could collect my pot of gold. 

25. I was the really chubby asian kid in primary school. 


26. Both my Korean and English name is Jiwon.

27.  My English name was going to be Joanne, but thankfully my dad thought about that again. (FYI, I have nothing against those who are named ‘Joanne’)

28. I have no middle name and I will always be jealous over those who do. Oh, and English  names too.

29.  Apparently, I would've been born on August 7 but I was too fat and had a big head so I decided to come out into this world on August 13.

30.  My sister and aunty (pretty much my whole family) mistook me as a black ugly boy when they first saw me.

31.  I have one sister named Jihee, who is now happily married.

32.  My sister and I are pretty much best friends. There is no one else that knows me better than her. My dad and I are super duper close too (I would never ever ask for anyone else to be dad), best buds.

33.  Aileen and I are pretty much the same height.

34.  I am still 17. Sometimes people mistake me as 18+ and just look stunned when I tell them they’re wrong.

35.  Whenever I start talking in Korean, other Korean people always seem to be fascinated that I am pretty much fluent (apparently with a slight Australian accent).

36. I partially learnt how to read and write Korean from watching Korean variety shows and dramas. My dad was very kind enough to deal with me every time I’d ask him questions while watching TV; "What does that say? ..what does that mean?"

37. I attended a Korean school back in my primary school days. I quit not long after starting because I had fell face forward on a rock from a bench while playing tag with (kiddo) high heels on.

38. I dreaded that day when I received my first stitches on my forehead. It felt like a bee sting (although I have never actually been bitten by a bee...)

39. If you look closely, you can still clearly see and feel the scar on my forehead.

40. I may have the best vision in my family. Surprisingly everyone (my parents, grandparents, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins); except I, wear glasses.

41. I had the choice of playing the piano or violin, or both. I ended up choosing the violin, in which I played for 4 or so years.

42. One of my biggest regrets would be that I quit violin. However, years back I had to choose between playing the violin and dancing.

43. I never attended grade 11 or 12. Instead I graduated a full-time Advanced Diploma course in Performing Arts, where I still received an OP ranking. Also, I have never had my own school formal.

44. This fact is pretty much repeating Aileen’s fact number 19. "I love Italian and Japanese food, oh, and bagels."

45. I am a bit of a health junky. I will never go a day without more than 3-5 types of fruit a day.

46. I don’t think I could ever go a day without breakfast (yoghurt with frozen raspberries, blueberries, honey and chia seeds; to be exact).

47. I had a rare bone (approximately 1 cm long) in my right ankle which irritated my dancing for a whole year. At the start of December last year, I had a surgery to take it out.

48. My family used to play tennis every weekend when I was little. One night we went, a family friend’s dog had bit my lip which wouldn't stop bleeding. Yet, I adore dogs (unlike my dear Alice).

49. I don’t really like playing video games, because I don’t like to lose. Especially when it comes to scary ones, I freak that I may die.

50. So far, I have had a bob haircut two times in my life. Once in preschool and the other in grade 8 or 9. 

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